10 huge difference between rich prople and poor people

10 Huge Differences Between Rich People and Poor People

What is it that makes rich people different than poor people and the middle class?  Is it just that they have more money in the bank-  or is it something else?  Are there special traits that make some people more likely to be rich while the rest of us can’t seem to get ahead financially?

What is Your Rich Score?
In today’s article, I’ll show you some of the most important differences between rich people and poor people.  You’ll discover differences in how they think, how they act, and how they see the world.

Also, you’ll be able to score yourself at the end of each section to measure your rich person habits and see where you need improvement.

So without further ado, let’s get started!

10 Huge Differences Between Rich People and Poor People

Do you have what it takes to be rich?  Whether you do or not, you can always improve areas where you’re lacking.  The great thing is that if you’re poor now, you can change what you do and how you think.  You can become rich when you start doing the right things!

Let me start by saying that nothing in this article is meant to denigrate anyone who is poor.  Sometimes poverty happens due to things beyond your control.  It’s only meant to highlight differences in mindset and habits that any individual can take control of to make life better financially.

So let’s get started…

Rich People Manage Their Money Well

One of the reasons rich people are rich is that they know how to manage their money well.  In general, they keep a budget and don’t carry a lot of consumer debt.

They understand that car payments and credit card bills are not conducive to building wealth.  If they do use credit cards, they pay off the balance every month so there are no finance charges.
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Poor People Tend to Use Consumer Debt

They believe that credit card bills and car payments are just a part of life.  Most avoid keeping track of their money or do a written budget.
They tend to spend their paycheck until the money runs out.  If the money runs out before the next paycheck, they use the credit card to fill the gaps.

Rich People Focus on Rewards

Rich people understand it’s necessary to take on some risk if you want significant financial rewards.  They take measured risks with their investments and in their business dealings when they believe the rewards are worth the risk.
Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose.  But in the end, rich people know that risks and rewards go hand in hand.

Poor People Focus on Risk

Poor people tend to focus more on the risk side of the equation.  They believe risk should be avoided because they don’t want to lose money.  Because of that, they tend to stick with “safe” investments like CD’s, savings accounts, and other low return investments so they don’t lose their hard-earned money.

Rich People Take on Challenges

Rich people are not afraid to take on difficult challenges when they know there is potential for a nice payoff.  Building wealth is rarely easy, and there are a lot of hard things that need to be done to make it happen.  Rich people face these challenges head on, seeing them as a chance to grow and succeed.

Poor People Run from Challenges

10 Huge Differences Between Rich People and Poor PeoplePoor people don’t like to be challenged.  They like to stay in their comfort zone and keep things the way they are.  The only time they will take on a difficult challenge for growth is when they are forced into it.  They typically don’t take the initiative at work and do the minimum it takes to stay employe

Rich People Choose Both

When faced with choices, rich people like to have their cake and eat it too!  When faced with an either/or choice (and both choices are favorable), rich people try to find a way to have both.

Choosing both is a state of mind that has an accelerating effect on wealth building.  When you’re of the mindset of choosing both, you’ll always end up with more.

Poor People Choose Either/Or

When faced with either/or decisions, poor people tend to choose one or the other, but not both.  They haven’t opened up their mind to the awesome possibilities that choosing both could have on their life.

So they stay limited in their thinking, and limited in their wealth because they don’t want to ask too much.  Even if they want both, they don’t feel like they can have both because they might be perceived as greedy or undeserving.

Rich People Face Their Fears

Rich people are not immune to fear.  All humans experience fear from time to time, but those that know how to overcome it tend to succeed more than those who don’t.

Facing fears of the unknown in a business deal, an investment, or in relationships is necessary if you want to become a stronger, more successful person.  Just like facing risk, facing your fears usually pays off huge when you decide to do it on a regular basis.

Poor People Run from Fear

On the other hand, poor people don’t want to face their fears.  They would rather stay stuck in a rut and comfortable than overcome fears that hold them back from achieving their best destiny.

Rich People Make Their Money Work Hard

Both poor people and rich people work hard for their money.  But wealthy people like to make their money work hard for them.  They don’t want their money sitting around in savings accounts gathering dust.  Rich people make it a point to find money in their budget to invest, and they do it on a regular basis.

Instead of hoping there is money to put into investments at the end of the month, they’re more likely to sacrifice spending money so they can invest it and watch it grow.

Poor People Work Hard for Their Money

Poor people, on the other hand, work hard for their money and usually have little to show for it.  They tend to spend their entire paycheck without setting aside money for investments.

The result is that the average wage earner has little to show for decades of hard work.  Then they have to rely on Social Security and continue to work until their health won’t allow it.

Rich People are Relentlessly Positive

Let’s face it, there are plenty of things to be negative about in today’s complicated world.  Rich people know that negativity never accomplishes anything good.

Keeping a positive attitude and hanging around positive people are essential to building a wealthy life.  Believing that good things are going to happen to you (even when things don’t look so good) helps you power through tough situations and come through victorious.  Positive people change things they don’t like instead of complaining about them.

One of the ways they harness positivity is through positive self-affirmations.  They envision what they want and speak it as if it’s already happened.  Over time, those affirmations have a habit of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Poor People Wallow in Negativity

Negative Nellies tend to be financially unsuccessful.  They’re usually complaining about what’s going on in world events, their career, family life, and anything else they can find to complain about.

They love to complain so other people can hear them, but rarely, if ever, take action toward a finding a solution to the problem.

Rich People are Committed to Living a Wealthy Life
Unless you win the lottery, most people don’t just stumble into wealth.  Building wealth takes a commitment to doing the things necessary to make a rich life happen.

You have to commit to doing difficult things like:

Getting an advanced education (becoming a doctor, lawyer, etc.).
Working long hours to advance your career.
Taking years to build a successful business.
Finding ways to improve your skills.
Taking financial risks that hopefully will pay off in the end.

Poor People Dream of Being Rich
Poor people like to dream of winning the lottery or discovering they had a rich aunt that died and left them millions of dollars.  Sometimes they even talk badly about wealthy people out of jealousy.

They are not willing to do what it takes to join the ranks of the wealthy.  They would rather be entertained with novels, movies, and video games than commit time to learning and doing things that lead to wealth.

Rich People Hang Around Other Rich People
I’ve heard it said a million times “you’re the average of the five people you hang around the most”.  Even the Bible reflects this sentiment:

Proverbs 13:20 “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.”

Rich people hang out with other rich people because they can learn from each other.  They talk less about people and more about business, investments, social trends, and other subjects that help make them more knowledgeable.  They share what they’re doing in their own wealth building journey and learn from each other.

Poor People Hang Around Other Poor People
If you want to stay poor, hang out with poor people.  They don’t have a plan.  They tend to talk about everything other than what it takes to build more wealth.

If you want to build more wealth, find wealthier friends.  Find friends that are better off than you are and learn from them.  Find out how they earn money, what they invest in, what kind of education they have, and get their advice on how to do those things yourself.

Rich People Focus on What They Want

Whether it’s wealth, health, good relationships or anything else, wealthy people focus on what they want and try to find a way to achieve it.  They’re not into making excuses or being bitter and unhappy about things they don’t have.

Poor People Focus on What They Don’t Have
Poor people have more of a tendency to focus on what they lack.  They’re more likely to make excuses like:

The system is rigged against people like me.
I don’t have an education.
You need money to make money, and I don’t have any.
I don’t have any marketable skills.
I don’t have connections.
They let what they lack drag them down and decide to make excuses instead of taking action to rectify the problem.

What is Your Rich Person Score?
Even if you have all the habits and mindsets mentioned above, it doesn’t necessarily mean your financially rich right now.  However, the more you put these into practice, the more likely you are to succeed in your financial life and end up rich.

So how did you score?

0-50  If you want to be rich, now is the time to start changing some things

50-65  You have a few rich habits and mindsets, but you still have a long way to go.

65-85  You’re well on your way to being rich, challenge yourself more to increase your score!

85-100  You have the habits and mindset of a rich person! If you’re not rich now, you will be eventually


  1. Anonymous1/19/2023

    I’m guessing a rich person wrote this.
    I love how poor people live on consumer debt and rich people don’t, like they have a choice. News flash. They have to do that because they are poor. They aren’t spending their entire paycheck just because. Some poor people like to eat.

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