
The Function of Ctrl-A to Z: A Complete Guide to CTRL A to Z

List of  The Function of Ctrl-A to Z: A Complete Guide to CTRL A to Z 

  • Ctrl+A: These two keys will select all text or other objects.
  • Ctrl+B: Bold highlighted text.
  • Ctrl+C: Copy any selected text or another object.
  • Ctrl+D: Bookmark an open web page or open font window in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl+E: Center text.
  • Ctrl+F: Open find window.
  • Ctrl+G: Open Find in a browser and word processors.
  • Ctrl+H: Open the Find and Replace in Notepad, Microsoft Word, and WordPad
  • Ctrl+I: Italicize text.
  • Ctrl+J: View downloads in browsers and set justify alignment in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl+K: Create a hyperlink for the highlighted text in Microsoft Word and many HTML editors.
  • Ctrl+L: Select address bar in a browser or left align text in a word processor.
  • Ctrl+M: Indent selected text in word processors and other programs.
  • Ctrl+N: Create a new page or document.
  • Ctrl+O: Open a file in most programs.
  • Ctrl+P: Open a print window to print the page you're viewing.
  • Ctrl+R: Reload page in browser or right align text in a word processor.
  • Ctrl+S: Save the document or file.
  • Ctrl+T: Create a new tab in an Internet browser or adjust tabs in word processors.
  • Ctrl+U: Underline selected text.
  • Ctrl+V: Paste any text or another object that has been copied.
  • Ctrl+W: Close open tab in a browser or close a document in Word.
  • Ctrl+X: Cut selected text or another object.
  • Ctrl+Y: These keys will redo any undo action.
  • Ctrl+End: Moves cursor to the end of a document instead of end of the line.
  • Ctrl+Z: Pressing these two keys will undo any action.
  • Ctrl+Esc: Open the Windows Start Menu.
  • Ctrl+Tab: Switch between open tabs in browsers or other tabbed programs.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Tab: will go backwards (right to left).

What is the Function of CTRL A to Z?

List of all A to Z computer shortcut keys for Microsoft windows. 
Control Keys in Computer A-Z
In computer, a Control key is a modifier key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, performs a certain action.

Ctrl keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl is used in keyboard shortcut key such as the three finger salute or Ctrl+Alt+Del.
This key combination suggests pressing and holding down the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keyboard keys to open the Task Manager or reboot the computer.

List of Common Control Key Shortcuts

  • Ctrl+A: These two keys will select all text or other objects.
  • Ctrl+B: Bold highlighted text.
  • Ctrl+C: Copy any selected text or another object.
  • Ctrl+D: Bookmark an open web page or open font window in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl+E: Center text.
  • Ctrl+F: Open find window.
  • Ctrl+G: Open Find in a browser and word processors.
  • Ctrl+H: Open the Find and Replace in Notepad, Microsoft Word, and WordPad
  • Ctrl+I: Italicize text.
  • Ctrl+J: View downloads in browsers and set justify alignment in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl+K: Create a hyperlink for the highlighted text in Microsoft Word and many HTML editors.
  • Ctrl+L: Select address bar in a browser or left align text in a word processor.
  • Ctrl+M: Indent selected text in word processors and other programs.
  • Ctrl+N: Create a new page or document.
  • Ctrl+O: Open a file in most programs.
  • Ctrl+P: Open a print window to print the page you're viewing.
  • Ctrl+R: Reload page in browser or right align text in a word processor.
  • Ctrl+S: Save the document or file.
  • Ctrl+T: Create a new tab in an Internet browser or adjust tabs in word processors.
  • Ctrl+U: Underline selected text.
  • Ctrl+V: Paste any text or another object that has been copied.
  • Ctrl+W: Close open tab in a browser or close a document in Word.
  • Ctrl+X: Cut selected text or another object.
  • Ctrl+Y: These keys will redo any undo action.
  • Ctrl+End: Moves cursor to the end of a document instead of end of the line.
  • Ctrl+Z: Pressing these two keys will undo any action.
  • Ctrl+Esc: Open the Windows Start Menu.
  • Ctrl+Tab: Switch between open tabs in browsers or other tabbed programs.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Tab: Will go backwards (right to left).
  • Ctrl+Shift+Z: Redo
  • Ctrl-]: Decrease font size
  • Ctrl+]: Increase font size
  • Ctrl+= Toggle font subscript
  • Ctrl+Shift+= Toggle font superscript
  • Ctrl+End: Bottom(end of document or window)
  • Ctrl+Home: Top (start of document or window)
  • Ctrl+Insert: Copy
  • Ctrl+PgDn: Next tab
  • Ctrl+PgUp: Previous tab
  • Ctrl+Tab: Next window or tab
  • Ctrl+Shift+Tab: Previous window or tab
  • Ctrl+← Previous word
  • Ctrl+→ Next word
  • Ctrl+Delete: Delete next word
  • Ctrl+Backspace: Delete previous word
  • Ctrl+Alt+Backspace: Restart X11
  • Ctrl+Alt+upbutton: Rotate screen right-side up
  • Ctrl+Alt+↓ Rotate screen upside down
  • Ctrl+Alt+← Rotate screen left
  • Ctrl+Alt+→ Rotate screen right
  • Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Esc: Open task manager
  • Ctrl+Alt+Del Reboot; Open task manager or session options

20 Common Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys

  • Ctrl+W: Close the active window / document.
  • Ctrl+Z: Undo an action.
  • Ctrl+Y: Redo the last action or repeat an action.
  • Ctrl+S: Save a document.
  • Ctrl+P: Print a document.
  • Ctrl+K: Insert a hyperlink.
  • Alt+Left + Arrow Go: back one page.
  • Alt+Right + Arrow Go: forward one page.
  • Ctrl+C : Copy selected text or graphics to the Office Clipboard.
  • Ctrl+V: Paste the most recent addition to the Office Clipboard.
  • Ctrl+Shift+A: Format all letters as capitals.
  • Ctrl+B: Applies or removes bold formatting.
  • Ctrl+I: Applies or removes italic formatting.
  • Ctrl+=: Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing).
  • Alt, f, A: Save As.
  • Alt, S, T, I: Insert Table of Contents.
  • Alt, S, T, R: Remove Table of Contents.
  • Alt, W, F: Full Screen Reading – View > Document Views > Full Screen Reading.
  • Alt, W, R: Ruler. View > Show/Hide > Ruler.
  • Alt, F, X: Exit Word.

Other Common Keyboard Shortcuts Action

  • Windows key: Open or close Start Menu.
  • Windows key + A: Open Action center.
  • Windows key + C: Open Cortana in listening mode.
  • Windows key + D: Display or hide the desktop.
  • Windows key + E: Open File Explorer.
  • Windows key + G: Open Game bar when a game is open.
  • Windows key + H: Open the Share charm.
  • Windows key + I: Open Settings.
  • Windows key + K: Open the Connect quick action.
  • Windows key + L: Lock your PC or switch accounts.
  • Windows key + M: Minimize all windows.
  • Windows key + R: Open Run dialog box.
  • Windows key + S: Open Search.
  • Windows key + U: Open Ease of Access Center.
  • Windows key + X: Open Quick Link menu.
  • Windows key + Number: Open the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number.
  • Windows key + Left arrow key: Snap app windows left.
  • Windows key + Right arrow key: Snap app windows right.
  • Windows key + Up arrow key: Maximize app windows.
  • Windows key + Down arrow key: Minimize app windows.
  • Windows key + Comma: Temporarily peek at the desktop.
  • Windows key + Ctrl + D: Add a virtual desktop.
  • Windows key + Ctrl + Left or Right arrow: Switch between virtual desktops.
  • Windows key + Ctrl + F4: Close current virtual desktop.
  • Windows key + Enter: Open Narrator.
  • Windows key + Home: Minimize all but the active desktop window (restores all windows on second stroke).
  • Windows key + PrtScn: Capture a screenshot and save in Screenshots folder.
  • Windows key + Shift + Up arrow: Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen.
  • Windows key + Tab: Open Task view.
  • Windows key + "+" key: Zoom in using the magnifier.
  • Windows key + "-" key: Zoom out using the magnifier.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.
  • Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps.
  • Alt + Left arrow key: Go back.
  • Alt + Right arrow key: Go forward.
  • Alt + Page Up: Move up one screen.
  • Alt + Page down: Move down one screen.
  • Ctrl + Alt +Tab: View open apps
  • Ctrl + C: Copy selected items to clipboard.
  • Ctrl + X: Cut selected items.
  • Ctrl + V : Paste content from clipboard.
  • Ctrl + A: Select all content.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo an action.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo an action.
  • Ctrl + D: Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin.
  • Ctrl + Esc: Open the Start Menu.
  • Ctrl + Shift: Switch the keyboard layout.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc: Open Task Manager.
  • Ctrl + F4: Close the active window

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