How to Create blog on blogspot: blogging guide for beginners


Here are the steps to start a blog:

Step 1: Picking the blog topic

Step 2: Pick a blog name

Step 3: create a blog on Blogspot

Step 4: Setup the design of the blog

Step 5: Write your first blog post

Step 6: Share your writeup with the world

Step 7: Monetize your blog with Adsense

Step 8: Drive traffic and gain more exposure

Step 1: Picking the blog topic

This is the first big decision and the first point where everything can go wrong.

If you choose the wrong topic then you begin walking down the wrong path and it might be months before you even realize it and change direction.

Here are some common mistakes people make when choosing a topic to write a blog about:

Don’t pick a subject just because you see others make money writing about it

Be careful not to write about too diverse a range of subjects, your blog must have a focus.

Step 2: Pick a blog name

There are 5 rules that I usually follow when picking a domain name:

1. Easy to remember

2. Easy to type

3. Easy to pronounce.

4. Easy to brandable

5. Name Related to your niche

A domain name is the URL of a blog that a visitor will use to open a blog. The blog name is related to the niche. If the blog name is related to the niche. Its chances of ranking high in google search. Don't use too long a domain name.

Step 3: Create a blog on Blogspot

Sign Up For

Go to and click on “Create Your Blog

And you will be redirected to log in with your Gmail account. Now login with your Gmail account using your password.

Enter A Name For Your Blog

Next, choose a name for your blog. Enter a Name in the Title line and click on “Next”.

Choose A URL For Your Blog

Next, choose a URL for your blog. If the URL you choose is not available, try another one.

Confirm Your Display Name

Next, confirm your display name. Then click Finish

Once you click on the “Finish” button, that’s it, you’re done and you have created a blog for free on

Step 4: Write your first blog post

When you are writing your content, imagine a person is sitting next to you, and you are talking to the person. Write in the first person tone, because there is a single person who is reading your blog.

Your content should cover all the aspects of the topic you are writing about. Feel free to write 1000+ words.

Do not copy images from Google. Rather use these sites to download free-to-use images.

You can also embed videos from YouTube.

Step 5: Create important pages

Here are some of the important pages, which you should have on your blog. You can add them over the next few weeks.

About page: Contains detail about your blog, and you.

Contact page: A page with a contact form. 

Privacy policy page

Disclaimer page

Disclosure page

Terms and conditions

Step 6: Drive traffic on your blog

Share your blog on different social sites to drive traffic. Add value content so google rank your post on search. you can drive organic traffic from google. Create content daily and Verify your blog with a google search console to crawl a blog for Google bots to rank on the search for organic search. 

You should learn SEO for better content. Seo is a major part of driving organic traffic.

Pinterest is also a good platform for driving traffic to your blog. I drive traffic from Pinterest on my blog.

Step 7: Connect with Adsense

Once you start getting a decent amount of traffic to your blog, you can apply for Adsense to start making money. Don’t apply to Adsense until you’re getting at least 300 – 400 unique visitors every single day or it could be hard getting your account approved. Below are the shots for connecting your Blogspot with AdSense.

Click on Earning

Click on create AdSense account or connect with Adsense

Create an account on Adsense and apply for google ads. If your website meets Google Adsense policies. Your blog is active for ads shown on your blog and you can earn money from your blog.

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