Microsoft Word shortcut keys and their functions

Microsoft Word shortcut keys and their functions

A keyboard shortcut key combines one or even more keys that executes an instruction in operating system software. The function keys, or F-keys available on a computer keyboard, marked F1 through F12, are keys with a unique function determined by the operating system.

Shortcut keys:

Keyboard shortcuts are key permutations on the keyboard that, when pushed simultaneously, rapidly stimulate a particular function. The same features can generally be powered up with the cursor by choosing it from a menu, so using the corresponding keyboard shortcut keys is so much quicker. The following are the most commonly used shortcut function keys as follows:

  1. Ctrl + A: This shortcut is used to select all contents of the word document.
  2. Ctrl + C: This shortcut is used to copy the text selected by the user.
  3. Ctrl + V: This shortcut is used to paste the copied text.
  4. Ctrl + X: It is used to cut the selected text.
  5. Ctrl + Y: It is used to redo the last task performed.
  6. Ctrl + Z: It is used to undo the last task performed.
  7. Ctrl + B: Highlight the selected text in bold.
  8. Ctrl + D: It is used to open the font preference window.
  9. Ctrl + F: It is used to open the find dialog box.
  10. Ctrl + P: This shortcut key opens the print window.
  11. Ctrl + I: Highlight the selected text in italic form.
  12. Ctrl + U: It is used to underline the selected text.
  13. Ctrl + Shift + D: It is used to highlight double underline for the selected text.
  14. Ctrl + E: It is used to set the alignment of the line or selected text to the center of the screen.
  15. Ctrl + L: It is used to set the alignment of the line or selected text to the left of the screen.
  16. Ctrl + J: It is used to set the alignment of the line or selected text to justify the screen.
  17. Ctrl + R: It is used to set the alignment of the line or selected text to the right of the screen.
  18. Ctrl + K: It is used to add a hyperlink to the text.
  19. Ctrl + N: This shortcut key is used to open the new blank document.
  20. Ctrl + W: It is used to close the currently open word document.
  21. Ctrl + M: It is used to indent the paragraph.
  22. Ctrl + S: It is used to save the document.
  23. Ctrl + O: It is used to open the dialog box, where the user can select the file that needs to be open.
  24. Ctrl + Shift + A: It is used to set all the selected text letters to capital.
  25. Ctrl + Shift + L: It is used to add a bullet point to the text.
  26. Ctrl + Home: It is used to move the cursor at the beginning of the document.
  27. Ctrl + End: It is used to move the cursor at the end of the document.
  28. Ctrl + Spacebar: It is used to set the selected text to the default font.
  29. Ctrl + Alt + 1: It is used to change the text to heading 1.
  30. Ctrl + Alt + 2: It is used to change the text to heading 2.
  31. Ctrl + Alt + 3: It is used to change the text to heading 3.
  32. Shift + Alt + T: It is used to add the current time.
  33. Shift + Alt + D: It is used to add the current date.
  34. F12: It is used to prompt the save as a window.
  35. F1: This shortcut key will open the help window.
  36. F7: It is used to open the Spellcheck and grammar check window.
  37. F5: It is used to open the find, replace, and go to the window.
  38. F4: It is used to repeat the last performed action.
  39. Ctrl + Left Arrow: It is used to move the one word to the left.
  40. Ctrl + Right Arrow: It is used to move the one word to the right.
  41. Ctrl + Up Arrow: It is used to move to the start of the line or paragraph.
  42. Ctrl + Down Arrow: It is used to move to the end of the line or paragraph.
  43. Ctrl + Del: It is used to delete the word to the right of the cursor.
  44. Ctrl + Backspace: It is used to delete the word to the left of the cursor.
  45. Ctrl + Shift+ <: It is used to decrease the size of the font by one point.
  46. Ctrl + Shift+ >: It is used to increase the size of the font by one point.
  47. Ctrl + Shift+ *: It is used to hide or view the non-printing characters.
  48. Ctrl + T: It is used to create a hanging indent.


Instead of performing the number of steps, Microsoft word shortcut keys help users to carried out the task by clicking two-three buttons on the keyboard and saves them time and makes the task easier.

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