Best ideas for making money from bloging in 2021

1. Home Decor
Home decor is a trending blogging niche. People are getting more enthusiastic about decorating their homes. If you have interest and knowledge in home decor, you can start your own home decor blog. Home Decor blogs like Curbly has millions of visitors per month. Another good example of a high traffic home interior blog is more than 1.4 million unique visits a month).
How to make money from a home decor blog?
Amazon affiliates - Amazon associates is a good method to make money from a home decor blog. You can sell/promote various home decor products like Matresses,Shelving Units,bedroom/bathroom products,Kitchenwares etc
Sponsored Posts - You can allow sponsored posts/ ads in your home decor blog and can charge per post. 

2. Technical Coding Blogs(Tutorials)
Are you a programmer? Do you have solid knowledge in any good programming language? Starting a tutorial blog for a new programming language got a great scope. When the Yii framework(a popular Php framework) was launched, there weren't many online guides for it. Larry Ullman started writing top notch Yii tutorials through his blog and his blog got great readership and fan followers in no time. After a small time period (after building some readers) he launched his ebook (the Yii Book) and started selling on behalf of these readers for 20$. The book became an instant hit.
How to make money with this blogging idea
Promoting related software - The audience for this niche will be technical people so that you can promote technical software related to your blog niche and earn affiliate commissions.
Affiliates- You can promote ebooks/tutorials related to your language. For instance, if you are writing php tutorial, you can always sell php ebooks on behalf of your readers. Amazon affiliates are the best method to achieve this(you can earn up to 4 percent commission selling an ebook via amazon)
Selling your own ebook - Ebook, being a digital product, the profit percentage can go really high. It is a good idea to sell an ebook written by yourself helping your readers.
Paid Services - I've written a tutorial about integrating Google Analytics ecommerce tracking, and I frequently get messages from my readers to implement it on their website. I implement it for them for a small fee. This is a good model to make some money in a sector which you have good knowledge.

3. Niche Travel Blog
When it comes to 2017, many people have become ardent travelers. With the online revolution in the travel business, more and more people listen to travel blogs and stories before their trip. Starting a niche travel blog will be a fantastic blogging idea to make a great deal of money.
How to make money with travel blogging idea
Lead selling - You can sell the travel leads to tour/travel operators. People who come to read your travel guide/travel story might be interested in doing a travel(to the place you are referring) as well. You can get their lead and sell it(or if you have the infrastructure, you can be the travel operator).
Selling travel guides - Lonely planet is a great example of making money selling travel books to its readers.

4. Recipes Blog
Starting a food blog has a great scope. If you are a cooking expert, you can share your secret recipes along with photographs/videos through your blog. Pinterest is a good medium to promote your recipe blog.
Lindsay Ostrom of pinchofyumis a good example. She makes more than $25,000 a month from her recipe blog.
How to make money from your recipe blog
Selling your recipe ebook- Write an ebook comprising all your masterclass recipes and sell it to your readers.
Promoting food brands through your blog(sponsored posts, ads).

5. Fashion Blog
A fashion blog is the most favorite blogging niche among women. Which woman doesn't love fashion? In 2017, lots of fashion brands also depend on these fashion blogs for their brand building. This is what make fashion blogging a top class niche for those who are interested in starting a blog.
Read: - We have published a complete guide on How to Create a Fashion Blogand Make Money. The guide explains A-Z about creating a blog in the fashion niche and make money through the blog.
How can you make money from a fashion blog
Sponsored posts - Majority of the income of these fashion bloggers comes from sponsored posts. If you are an established fashion blogger with good amount of followers(to your blog/social medias(especially instagram)), you can approach brands and they'll definitely give you money for sponsoring a post for them. I've seen many brands offering $700 for a single sponsored post(provided your blog is established in the industry).
Affiliates- You can use amazon associatespromoting fashion apparels and can earn commissions in between 6-8 percent. Another good affiliate program for fashion bloggers is Reward style. They offer an average commission rate of 10%(this vary as per brands) , or in other words, you'll get 50$ if someone makes a purchase of 500$.
Pay per click programs - Shopstyle has a pay per click program exclusively for fashion bloggers. You can showcase their products in your blog and you'll be paid per clicks to these products. Good thing is that you'll be paid even if the customer doesn't make a purchase.

6. Mom/Parenting Blog
Mom/Parenting blog is another blogging idea through which many bloggers make lots of money. Houseofroseblogis a good example, from their income report (in 2014)Mandy(founder of the blog,mom to 3 kids) was making around $2000 a month from her blog.
How to make money from a Mom Blog.
Endorsing products for kids
Helping other moms to start a blog/make money online- While the kids are small, many of the moms won't be able to go to work. Most of these moms might be looking for a passive income source. You can help them to start their own mom blog and make money from it. Promote hosting, WordPress theme/plugin affiliates and earn money.
Write a parenting ebook and sell on behalf of your readers.

7. Language Learning Blog
By a language learning blog, I am not saying about English, let's think about some other languages. Write guides and tutorials in English about a foreign language. This world is becoming a smaller place. People are migrating from one place to another and are learning new languages. If you are good at some particular language, start a blog writing tutorials of the language.
How to make money with this blogging idea.
Sell eBook - Write guides about the language you are teaching(eg: A complete guide to French language). Sell it for a small price($10-$25) to your readers.
Affiliates - Promote 3rd party language learning books and earn affiliate commissions.
Online Courses - Start online courses and educate your readers(oh yes, make good money as well!).

8. Niche Podcast Blog
Its not a long time that podcasts blogs gained strength. People love to hear podcasts. Pick some niche and upload podcasts in your blog. John Lee Dumas of is making more than $200,000 a month from his podcast blog. Pick a niche( whether it be fashion, food,relations,business ) and start your podcast blog. The best podcasts would be success stories, interviews etc.
How to make money from a Podcast Blog
Premium Podcasts- You can sell premium podcasts to your readers.
Sponsoring a podcast - You can make money getting sponsors to a podcast. Announce the sponsors name in the beginning of the podcast.
Making it a mobile app - A podcast blog is highly prone to get mobile traffic. Start a mobile app for your podcast blog and make money from it as well.

9. Virtual Reality Blogs
Virtual reality is a hot topic of 2017 that gained immense popularity. You can start your virtual reality blog with great quality contents about virtual reality like latest trends in VR,  exciting VR videos, reviewing VR products.
How to make money from this blogging idea
Amazon affiliates- Promote VR products through your blog and earn around 6 percent commissions from amazon
Amazon FBA- There is a wide range of products(subsidiary products as well) in the VR niche. You can start an FBA business through amazon and drive the audience from your blog to amazon and make a great deal of money. Many bloggers now make millions of dollars through amazon FBA

10 Niche Disease blog
Niche disease is one amazing blogging idea to make money online. As we all know, more and more diseases are popping out day by day and thereby the google search volume. When the ZIKA virus was discovered, it became trending in the google search. There are a plethora of diseases, pick one disease and start blogging about it. Start first and take the beginners advantage.
How to make money with this blogging idea?
Google adsense will be a good option. Oh yes, you can use it with all these blogging niches(all the 21) as well! But seriously speaking, I am not a great fan of Google Adsense when it comes to their payout. For many niches, the payout is very less. But it is not the case when it comes to health and disease.
Mesotheliomais a special type of cancer formed in the thin layer of tissues covering the internal organs. 10 years before, there was an outburst of mesothelioma blogs because of that google adsense was giving $100 per click for mesothelioma ads. That's massive right? $100 for just 1 click!(In other words, if you get 5 clicks a day , you can earn $500 a day or $15,000 a month). Even now, diseases like mesothelioma, asbestosis etc gets like $70-$100 per click.
I am not saying you to start a blog in mesothelioma, but find a disease which has space. As the payouts are high, you can use google adsense for monetization.

11. Social Media Marketing
Social media is booming industry. Facebook, twitter, instagram, Linked In and all have grown beyond just social media websites but solid businesses makers. Many bigger brands depends on social media traffic to build their brand. Many big companies have got dedicated in-house team to manage their social media. In 2017, you can see social media every business sectors, celebrities, models, real estate companies, IT companies, food brands and the list goes on.
Read- 13 ways to make money from facebook
This is where a social media blog does have great relevance. People are looking for the latest social media techniques to build their online business. If you are a social media expert, share your latest social media experiments as case studies, videos etc through your blog.
How to make money from your social media blog
There are various methods through which you can make money from your social media blog.
Paid brand promotions- You can promote various brands through your blog.
Selling or being an affiliate to various social media tools like Everypost. Social Media Examiner blog has written a perfect blogpost with this idea I've mentioned.
Selling online courses, webinars about social media promotion
Public speaking- If you are a good speaker, you can sell your speaking skills for money. Dale Partridge, a serial entrepreneur/blogger says he have made $20,000 one month through public speaking leads he got from his blog.

12. Online Courses Blog
Listing various online courses will be another good idea to blog in 2017. As you can see, there are lots of paid online courses in websites like udemy,coursera etc. People are confused about selecting the best courses from these portals. You can start a blog reviewing the best courses available in these online course portals.
How to make money reviewing online courses
Affiliates- You can recommend online courses to your readers and if your readers signup to these courses , you'll get money as commissions. Udemy affiliates offer 50 % commission per course signups.
Selling your own courses - You do have a target set of an audience looking to join online courses. You can prepare a course in some category and promote it through your blog.

13. Ecommerce Marketing
E-commerce still shows no signs of declination. We all know that an e-commerce industry is having a high boom time period. The turnover of these e-commerce giants is improving day by day. Many small scale niche ecommerce businesses are also gaining million dollar profits. E-commerce in US gained 14.6% growth in 2015 . E-commerce B2C sales volume in 2016 (worldwide) touched 1922 Billion and is expected to touch 2356 Billion by 2018.
E-commerce tips is a great blogging idea to start. You can write-ecommerce tips, success stories, case studies, traffic improvement tips, e-commerce optimization tips etc. You can also interview successful ecommerce startups and showcase podcasts and videos.
How to make money with an ecommerce blog
Services- Helping people to setup their ecommerce website
Ecommerce affiliate- You can promote ecommerce affiliates like shopify,bigcommerce, magento etc and make money. You can also promote bluehost affiliates which can get you $65 per signup
Ecommerce Advertisements- You can promote other ecommerce portals and make money

14. Stress Management
This is a time where people are stressed due to various problems(money, relations etc). People depend on various stress management blogs and their techniques for relief. Stress management is a good blogging idea to start and make money. Release podcasts, videos and good contents in stress management, build some quality audience and make money from your blog.
How can you make money from your stress management blog?
Some of the best methods to make money from this blogging idea will be
Selling a stress management ebook - Your audience are stressed, write an awesome ebook that can burn out their stress(you can sell it to them)
Google Adsense - Stress management is a niche with good payout , you can try google adsense and make great deal money from your stress management blog.

15. Jobs
Jobs is an evergreen niche. People are looking for jobs all the time.  A good job listing blog has space, it is also a niche where you can get the visitors come back to your blog. Many big job listing websites like Freshersworld was started as a simple job listing blog.
How to make money with this blogging idea
Premium job listing- Once you've established your brand, you can charge employers for a premium job listing.

16. Veganism
Veganism is another trending topic which you need to try on for your new blog. Have a look at the google trends graph for the keyword Veganism.

This keyword emerged as because of the importance of being Vegan in our day to day life. Studies show that one of the major reasons for deadly diseases like cancer, cirrhosis and all are through the nonveg junk foods we intake in our day to day life. This is one of the primary reason why people want to be vegans.
Veganism is one great blogging idea to cover. The best thing is that the competition is not that high.
Ideas to make money from your veganism blog
Sell an ebook - Write an sell an ebook about veganism. ex: 101 benefits of being a vegan.
Amazon affiliates- promote other books about veganism in amazon

17. Celebrity Gossips(Social media)
Celebrity gossip is one hot blogging idea to get viral traffic. You can write about the day to day lives, affairs, scandals,upcoming movies etc of the celebrities. Apart from the google traffic, you can expect a lot of social media traffic(especially from facebook).
How to make money with celebrity blog
Advertisements- You can expect a lot of traffic to a celebrity blog. TMZ has a whopping monthly traffic of 61 Million unique visits. Celebrity gossips(with photos and videos) is a niche which has the potential to get millions of traffic. The best way to make money is direct advertising once you have this huge amount of traffic.

18. Start-Up Stories
Start-up stories will be another good blogging idea to try. We are living in a startup economy where people like to read success/failure stories of startups. Not every startup stories are told.
Interview different startups and build a blog for startup stories. You can also add videos and podcasts of these interviews.
How to make money
Paid story - Once you establish the brand, people will ask you to publish stories. Yourstory is a good example following this model. The paid promotion can get more reach to the startups looking for funders, so basically it is a win-win situation.

19. Yoga/Meditation
Owing to the rise of health problems and other physical issues, Yoga and meditation is an interesting topic to watch out. More and more people are getting interested to know more about Yoga and meditation. Calm, a mobile app about meditation does have millions of downloads in the android play store.
Start a blog sharing yoga/meditation tips showcasing the benefits.
How to make money with this blogging idea
Amazon affiliates - You can find a number of yoga products on amazon. Like Yoga mats, yoga pants, yoga socks etc. You can promote these products to make money online from your yoga blog.
Premium Yoga courses - Sell your premium yoga course to your readers, this is another great idea to make money. 

20. IOT
Internet of Things has emerged out as a good blogging idea. More and more business opportunities in iot are happening and thereby more and more readers in this niche.
Every new technology trends demand good guides and tutorials. IOT is a similar trending technology where people can't find many good sources/guides over the internet. Write some good guides in Iot and sell it through your blog.

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