5 Ways To Make Money Blogging

Once people arrive on your blog, make sure you have something to offer them. If you are a large company selling goods, this is self-explanatory.
  1. Sell Online. If you’re working for yourself, you can sell your expertise by promoting your own products. Sell digital products like e-books, e-courses, and online coaching sessions. 
  2. Sell In-Person. You can sell physical products like courses, speaking engagements, and gifts with your logo. The possibilities of what you are able to offer are endless. Open an online shop at Cafe Press.
  3. Advertising. You can also sell sponsored posts and advertising on your blog if you have enough traffic. It is not advisable to litter your platform with pop-up ads and link advertising as this just annoys readers. Choose wisely.
  4. Join Affiliate Programmes. Sign up for affiliates that sell products linked to your brand. We have links for companies like Amazon and Scrivener (Example: Scrivener 3 for macOS and Scrivener for Windows) on our site. If somebody buys a product, we get a small percentage.
  5. Ask For Coffee. If you have a loyal following who want to support you, join Patreon or ask your fans to ‘Buy You A Coffee‘. This allows people to show their appreciation for all you do, especially if they are unable to buy one of your products.
The only way to build your brand’s credibility is by constantly creating content that you can display on your website or blog. Blogging helps  you with your content marketing.

Who should be in charge of creating content?

  1. Somebody who cares. This content on your blog must be written by someone who knows your brand. It is a waste of time to hire a company that is not intimately connected to, and invested in, your company to do it for you.
  2. Somebody who works in your business. Ideally, you should train one staff member who loves your brand and give that person the job of maintaining your blog and sharing content on your social media platforms.
  3. Somebody who is a good writer. It should be someone who writes well. This is the new publishing, and you cannot claim social authority with poor writing skills. It is not a part time job. Creating content and maintaining your accounts will take eight hours a day.
It should not be written by your IT experts – this is not about IT. You do not have to be an IT expert to blog and share on social media platforms. It should not be written by an advertising team because your content is never a sales pitch.

What is social media and how does it relate to your blog?

Social media delivers and amplifies the newly created content you’ve just posted on your website or blog. It is not a traditional sales or advertising platform. Think of it as a lure that draws people to your blog. Once you have their attention, show them who you are and why they should be interested in you

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